“To bear a weapon” is the literal translation of an Oceana combat style known as Mau Rakau. This “weapon” based martial art form is said to have originated from New Zealand. Furthermore, this combat form has been developed within the “Maori” community. In addition, there are a few schools that teach this martial art form in the Mokoia Island.

a. History/origin of the Mau Rakau:

According to the cultural history of New Zealand, Mau Rakau is said to have been developed within the Maori community. Apparently, the weapons used in this martial art form such as the “Taiaha” and “Patu” were supposed to have been gifted to the community by “Tane” the God of forest and “Tu” the God of War, the sons of Rangi-nui and Papatuanuku according to Maori mythology. Furthermore, the weapons used in this combat form is said to be taught in what is known as “Whare-tū-taua” i.e. House or school of war.

b. Weapon used in the Mau Rakau:

The weapons used in this combat form mainly include Mere, Kotiate, Tewhatewha, Patu, Pouwhenua, and Wahaika.

c. Technique involved in the Mau Rakau and training availability:

In terms of technique, a fighter basically makes use of weapons such as Mere, Kotiate, Tewhatewha, Patu, Pouwhenua, and Wahaika.  In addition, a weapon known as “taiaha” is also used in this combat form. As for training centers/schools, there are none available around the world for this “weapon” based martial art form.

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