Developed using elements belonging to “Daito-Ryu Akki Jujutsu” is an East Asian form of the martial art known as Hapkido. This “hybrid and eclectic” combat form is said to have originated from South Korea. Furthermore, the Hapkido involves the use of “striking techniques” as well as the use of “weapons”. In addition, this form of combat is supposed to be extremely similar in style to “aikido”. The term “Hapkido” when translated literally means “the way of coordinating energy”.
History/origin of the Hapkido:
According to the cultural history of South Korea, the Hapkido was developed by a South Korean martial artist named Choi Young-Sool. Apparently, he was sent away to Japan and returned to his country only after 30 long years. Furthermore, it was while he was in Japan that he learned the technique involved in a martial art form known as “Daito-Ryu Akki”. It was thus using elements belonging to “Daito” that he created this martial art form which was named Hapkido. In addition, it was Choi’s student Chang Ching II who on 15th January 1985 officially became the second direct lineage Grandmaster of this martial art form. It was on April 5th, 1985 that Chang became the first student to be awarded the only 10th Dan certificate available in this combat form. It was Chang who then carried the legacy of Choi forward and continues to do so by teaching “Hapkido” to small groups of students in New York City in the United States of America.
Weapon used in the Hapkido:
The weapons used in this form of combat mainly include a knife, sword, rope, nunchaku, cane, short stick, a mid-length staff, and a Japanese staff known as Bo. In addition, the fighter also uses “hands and feet” as a form of a weapon.
The technique involved in the Hapkido and training availability:
In terms of technique, the fighter in this form of martial art mainly uses “kicks and punches” to overcome an opponent. Furthermore, moves such as jumping kicks, percussive hand strikes, pressure point strikes, joint locks, and throws are also used in the Hapkido. As for training centers/schools, there are a few available around the world especially in the United States of America for those interested in learning this “hybrid and eclectic” martial art form.
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