Created by “Hung Hei-Gun” an Oriental martial artist is an East Asian form of combat known as Hung Ga. This “striking” form of martial art is said to have originated from Southern China, and is commonly referred to either as Hung Gar, Hung Kuen, Hung Ga Kuen, or Hung Gar Kuen.  Furthermore, this form of combat is renowned for “stances” such as the horse stance which is considered to be extremely “low”.  In addition, it usually takes a few months to about three years for a student of Hung Ha to master the stance training.

a. History/origin Hung Ga:

According to the cultural history of China, Hung Ga was first developed in the country during the 17th century in the southern part of the country. Furthermore, it is said to have be created by a Shaolin monk named Gee Seen Sim See who existed during the Qing dynasty.  He apparently practiced this form of martial art within the Shaolin Temple located in the north of the country during a period when it provided shelter to all those who stood up against the ruling class i.e. Manchus. It was during this time that See was force to take shelter in a Shaolin Temple in the south since the one in the north was burnt down. Furthermore, it was over here that See trained many people including non Buddhist monks as well as a man known as Hung Hei Gun in several martial art forms. It was Gun who then used all the knowledge he acquired from See to develop further and popularize this martial art known as “Hung Ga”.

b. Weapon used in the Hung Ga:

Since this form of combat essentially uses “striking” techniques the weapon mainly used by a fighter are the “hands and legs”.

c. Technique involved in the Hung Ga and training availability:

In terms of technique, a fighter in Hung Ga needs to master various stances such the horse stance. Furthermore, a fighter requires about a few months to three years to master stance training. As for training centers/schools, there are few available especially in China for anyone interested in learning this “striking” martial art form.

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