Created in the year 1999 by Nihat Yigit is a Eurasian martial art form known as Sayokan. This “hybrid” combat form is said to have originated from Turkey. Apparently, this system of combat has been based on the principles of “realism” while fusing moves such as “grappling and striking”. Furthermore, a regular practitioner is supposed to learn this combat style through the use of “strategy”. In addition, striking as well as grappling technique is used in this form of combat.

 History/origin of the Sayokan:

According to the cultural history of Turkey, Sayokan is said to have created by a martial artist named Nihat Yigit during the year 1999. He initially studied several martial art forms such as taekwondo, Shaolin Kung Fu, Kaikan Karate, and Ashihara Karate.  It was between 1990 to 1994 that he traveled to Japan, China, and Korea to study various martial art styles. It was using information that he gathered from this research of various combat styles that he created “Sayokan” which was officially made public on 18th March 1999. Apparently, this combat form was developed as a system so as to help the fighter to be mentally aware and physically be able to ward off multiple attackers. Furthermore, it allows the fighter to be more flexible in decision making while fighting rather than being rigid. In other words, this form of combat does not comprise of any particular style or technique.

 Weapons used in the Sayokan:

The “hands and feet” of the fighter is mainly used as a weapon in this combat form.

Techniques involved in the Sayokan and training availability:

In terms of technique, a fighter in this style of combat basically makes use of techniques such as “grappling and striking” to overcome an opponent. Furthermore, rather than focusing on technique, this combat form encourages the fighter to adapt according to the strategy required to gain victory over an opponent. As for training centers/schools, there are a few available especially in Turkey for those interested in learning this essentially “striking” martial art form.

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