“Close quarter combat techniques” is basically what a martial art system known as World War II Combatives comprises of. This “hybrid” combat system is said to have originated from the United States of America as well as the United Kingdom. Furthermore, this combat system includes three major components and they are as follows:

  1. Hand-to-hand combat technique.
  2. Advanced firearm point shooting, and
  3. Weapon techniques.

In addition, this combat form was taught to Special Forces belonging to the “Allies” during the World War II period by renowned practitioners such as Rex Applegate and William Ewart Fairbairn.

History/origin of the World War II Combatives:

Apparently, this combat system was first developed within the “Shanghai Municipal Police” which governed a political entity known as “Shanghai International Settlement” from 1854 till about 1943. Now, the officers belonging to this Municipal Police mainly were either British or American in nationality. It was these officers that then created a unique combat form by combining a few martial art elements used by the Chinese in Shanghai. Furthermore, after the British and American officers returned home during World War II they were asked to train the forces belonging to the “Allies” such as commandos and intelligence personnel in this combat warfare. It was this form of combat which was eventually titled “World War II Combatives” that was taught by these officers.

Weapons used in the World War II Combatives:

Since it mainly comprises of “hand-to-hand” combat the weapon generally used is the “hand” of the fighter. In addition, a knife, bayonet, etc are also used as a weapon by the fighter in this combat form.

Techniques used in World War II Combatives and training availability:

In terms of technique, a fighter in this combat form attempts to overcome an opponent by “striking” at the vital points of the body. Furthermore, the primary objective of a fighter in this combat form is to completely disengage the opponent thereby acquiring victory. As for training centers/schools, there are none available around the world for those interested in learning this “hybrid” combat style.


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