Renowned for possessing “fluid feet movements” is an East Asian martial art form known as Taekkyeon. This “mixed” combat form is said to have originated from South Korea during the Joseon Dynasty. In addition, this martial art form involves the use of leg and whole body techniques. Furthermore, it also may also be referred to as “Taekgyeon, Taekkyon, or Taekyun”. It was in November 2011 that the UNESCO officially placed Taekkyeon in its “Intangible Cultural Heritage List”.
History/origin of Taekkyeon:
According to the cultural history of South Korea, it was in early 1900’s that this martial art form was first practiced in Seoul then the capital of the Joseon Dynasty. Furthermore, it was a book written by a master of “Taekkyeon”, Song Duk-Ki that was responsible for popularizing this combat form in the Korean culture. According to the foreword of this book the actual origin of this form of martial art is not known. However, what is well known is the fact that there were many bouts of Taekkyeon that were arranged during the Joseon Dynasty. In addition, it was during the rapid rise of “Neo-Confucianism” followed by Japanese invasion that led to this combat form nearly reaching extinction. It was thus the end of the Japanese colonial rule in 1945 that saw the resurgence of Taekkyeon. Apparently, though master Duk-Ki is said to have practiced this martial form even during the colonial rule of the Japanese.
The weapon used in the Taekkyeon:
Since basically “hands and leg” techniques are used the weapon in this form of combat include the “hands and legs” of the fighter.
The technique involved in the Taekkyeon and training availability:
In terms of technique, the fighter basically uses “hand and leg techniques” to overcome an opponent. Furthermore, moves such as joint locks, throws, and headbutts are frequently used in this form of combat. In addition, a wide range of kicking techniques such as low kicks, knee strikes, and jumps are also used in this martial art style. As for training centers/schools, there is a number of them available in countries such as Australia, China, England, France, etc for all those interested in learning this “mixed” martial art form.
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